Concurso: Qual o "gadget" mais legal para o Team System?

Você já desenvolveu alguma ferramenta para estender a funcionalidade do Team System? Conhece alguém que criou um programinha tão legal que mudou seu jeito de usar a solução de ALM da Microsoft? Que tal participar de um concurso para eleger o gadget mais legal para o Team System?

Mike Azocar, MVP de Team System, propôs o concurso Coolest Team System Gadget Contest. Do blog do Mike:

_Have you created a useful gadget for Team System? Do you have one in mind? I am looking for the coolest community built tool for VSTS. It can be something for TFS, for Visual Studio, or something that is stand alone. The winner will receive a one year subscription to MSDN with Team Suite and a one year subscription to Infragistics NetAdvantage controls! _

_To enter, submit a screen cast (up to 3 minutes long) which tells everyone why your gadget is the coolest and the source code. All submissions will be released to the public as free source to use and enjoy (with you getting all the credit of course). Videos will also be made available to the public to help make you famous! This should be something new (i.e. not on Codeplex or previously released) and not something repackaged. _

Inscreva-se até o dia 31/agosto. O vencedor será anunciado no dia 15/setembro. Inscreva-se! Vote no seu preferido!

16/06/2008 | Por Igor Abade V. Leite | Em Técnico | Tempo de leitura: 1 min.

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