Renomeando sua instância do TFS

Mais uma descoberta advinda do nosso uso diário do TFS aqui na Fórum Access. Nosso servidor TFS, inicialmente, foi configurado com um nome NetBIOS (“tfsserver”). Agora que já está´a todo vapor, chegou a hora de colocá-lo na Internet, para que nossos colaboradores possam acessá-lo remotamente - até mesmo de suas casas! Para isso, registramos um FQDN (“fully-qualified domain name”) em nosso DNS, fizemos a publicação no ISA Server, ajustamos os arquivos de configuração… Tudo está funcionando muito bem, obrigado. Porém, quando um usuário clicou com o botão direito sobre um team project e selecionou “Show Project Portal”, qual não foi nossa surpresa quando o URL aberto no Internet Explorer continha o nome antigo - mesmo o usuário tendo conectado no TFS usando o nome novo! Etienne Tremblay, que também é um MVP de Team System, tem um excelente post sobre esse assunto no seu blog:

Changing to a friendly Team Foundation Server Name So you just finish installing TFS, it works great and you’re about to give out the name to all your devs so they can start using the great new features in TFS but the name of the server uses corporate naming standard and is called rtmtgbs001 that is a great name for the ITO folks they know the scheme and can find that server to patch it and all that but for devs and project manager, and other consumers of TFS data it’s a bit hard to remember and if you have many servers it because quite difficult to remember. So you create a new url in DNS called viable internally (note I’m not talking about make it available on the internet yet that will be implemented in SP1 I’ll come back to that when I have more info) so what should you do to accomplish this. Here are the steps to do that for a single server install (note this probably will work for a dual server install as well I just have not tested it). Note also that this is not I repeat not are windows server rename, the name (netbios, domain sid, etc) stays the same, its just to change the access of TFS to a friendlier name. I’m writing this entry to try to unravel the mystery of this, I have looked around on the internet to find a solution for this and got a lot of conflicting answers in forums and in the Microsoft documentation. So I contacted my friends at Microsoft and got what needed to be done. This may vary from site to site but at least it will be mostly correct. As always test this before implementing in production. I have done those steps on my production servers and all is good…

08/12/2006 | Por Igor Abade V. Leite | Em Técnico | Tempo de leitura: 3 mins.

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